5 Ways to Manifest Using Art

You probably already know that you can manifest things into your life with intention and focus. It’s one of the most popular new age practices right now. But what if you aren’t particularly artistically inclined? Does that mean you can’t use art to manifest things into your life? Of course not! We’re going to let you in on a little secret… If you can visualize something, you can manifest it through art. There are so many ways that artists use art as a manifestation tool. Whether you are an aspiring artist, a wannabe writer or just someone who loves art, these tips will help you unlock the power of using art to manifest things into your life.
Write Out Your Art Manifestation Plan
If you want to manifest something into your life, you first need to know what it is you want to manifest. To do this, you need to write out your manifestation plan. What is it that you want to manifest? This could be anything from a new romantic partner, a new job, a move to a new location, health and wellness, etc.
Next, you need to write out what steps you need to take in order to make this happen. Don’t try to figure all of this out in one sitting, as that’s a surefire way to overwhelm yourself and make you procrastinate. Instead, try writing out a weekly action plan that details one step per week that you need to take in order to make your manifestation come true.
If you are struggling with where to start, try writing down all of your limiting beliefs. This will help you identify which areas of your life you need to focus on shifting first. Once you’ve written out your manifestation plan and have identified your limiting beliefs, try visualizing yourself with what it is you want to manifest.
Start a Daily Art Ritual for Manifesting
If you’ve ever done art therapy or had a daily art ritual, you already know that it can be an incredibly healing and transformative practice. It can also be a very powerful manifestation tool for those who are willing to put in the time and effort. The best way to start using art as a manifestation tool is to make a commitment to do it every day.
Whether this means spending 10 minutes at a time in a daily art ritual or committing to a weekly art workshop, you need to make sure that this is a consistent practice in your life if you want to see results. With consistency, you will be able to start to see your art become less of a creative hobby and more of a daily expression of your soul.
What this means is that when you make art on a consistent basis, you are able to access your heart and soul. This is when the magic really happens, because you’re tapping into your true source of power and inspiration. When you tap into your true source of power and inspiration, it’s easier to make big changes in your life. This is because you are no longer dependent on external sources of inspiration.
Turn Your Dreams into Art
Not sure what it is you want to manifest in your life? No problem! One of the easiest ways to start turning your dreams into reality is to turn them into art. When you do this, you are able to tap into that creative source of energy and inspiration that lives within you. This is a very powerful thing! With the right intention, it’s possible to use art to manifest anything you desire. This is a great way for you to get started exploring the process of manifesting.
Pick a dream that you’ve been wanting to manifest and turn it into a piece of art. You can use any form of art that you like, whether it’s writing, painting, drawing or some other form of visual expression. Make sure your dream is written out clearly on a piece of paper so you can refer to it as you create your piece of art. Now, close your eyes and try to tap into that creative source of energy inside of you. Let your creativity flow, and don’t limit yourself. Allow whatever wants to come out to come out.

Use Specific Colours to Manifest What You Want
Every colour has its own vibration and frequency. This means that each colour has its own healing properties. This can also be applied to manifesting something into your life. If you want to manifest something, you need to know what colour vibration that thing has. For example, if you want to manifest love into your life, you want to use a red colour frequency. On the other hand, if you want to manifest a new job, you want to use a blue colour frequency. If you are struggling to come up with something to manifest, this is a great way to get started.
Pick out a colour that you want to manifest, and then pick out a material that corresponds with that colour. You can use anything for this, such as paint, paper, fabric, etc. Now, the act of creating with that material will help you focus on the colour that you want to manifest. This is because you are focused on the colour as you create, rather than on the end product. Pretty cool, huh?
Draw or Paint What You’re Discarding
This is a great manifestation exercise and something that many artists do naturally while they’re in the flow of creating. If you want to unlock the full potential of this exercise, though, you’ll want to make a conscious effort to do it on purpose. This can be really helpful when you’re trying to let go of something that’s holding you back or isn’t serving you in your life. This is a very common manifestation technique that you’ve probably seen before, but it’s worth mentioning here because it can be used in so many different ways.
Pick an item that you want to manifest out of your life. For example, if you want to discard the negative feelings that you have towards your parents, you can use paint or crayons to draw them out. If you want to discard the feeling of being overwhelmed with your life and responsibilities, you can draw yourself with more time and space.
Consistent Practice Is Key
If you want to use art as a manifestation tool, you need to be consistent with your practice. This means that you need to make a commitment to using art to manifest at least one thing into your life each week. This could be a new creative project or helping you to clear out and discard the things that are no longer serving you in your life. This will help you to build the consistency and flow that is needed to tap into the power of art and manifesting. The more you practice, the easier it will become for you to tap into your creative source of energy. This is where the real magic happens! When you are able to tap into your creative source of energy and inspiration on demand, you can manifest anything that you desire.
If you are looking for some more powerful ways to heal and manifest, check out our classes here.