Using Creativity to Help Addiction: Why Creativity Helps
As a creative person, I know first-hand how easily addiction can play out in a sensitive person’s life. Addiction is a problem which hurts many and hits very close to home. When it comes time for healing or climbing out of the addiction trap, Creativity has an important role in helping people find freedom. Here is why you should be using creativity to help addiction.
Creativity opens neural pathways
By creating and getting into the flow, a person can tap into thoughts and ideas that they previously did not have access to. Creating helps to turn off the inner chatter and allows for the subconscious mind to more easily communicate.

This is a freeing experience for someone trapped in the story of addiction. From here, they can rewrite their own destiny or see things that caused the addiction in the first place. This includes past events or times they stifled their wiser selves to fit in and conform.
Using Creativity to Help Addiction: Creativity Invites Joy
Creating through art, crafts or writing is a great way to invite joy back into your life. By getting into the process of creating, you can find joy in something that is not only fun, but is incredibly good for your mind and heart.
Creativity Creates Confidence
When I was addicted to alcohol, I was incredibly fearful of being judged and ridiculed. By creating for yourself, you can discover the inner wisdom and confidence that you need to rise above all of the harshness of today’s world.
While creating can still cause insecurity, if you create for yourself and go through the process of becoming better through intentionally creating the life you want, no one can stop you from being the great person that you are. See how to use painting to improve your life.
Creativity Increases with Sobriety
As you create from an unclouded mind, more and more wisdom can find you and empower you to be better. The more you create, the more you attract this sixth sense into your life. The clarity of your mind will create amazing things in your reality.
You can Paint your Feelings and Know more
A canvas is like a portal, by painting and jotting down your feelings, they are absorbed into the canvas. You can trap your emptions and reconcile a hard life, all with the power of creating. This will give you a record of how you felt, as well as help you through any complicated emotions. Here is an example of how I used the canvas as an oracle for painting.
A guided Journey into Sobriety
Are you looking for a creative process for your journey into sobriety? You have done all the work. You want to make a change. You know that you are worth more than you gave yourself credit for.

You are on the right path; you are needed and your creativity is needed. Addiction can not hold you back any longer.
Join me for a free painting class to call back all parts of yourself, heal old wounds and free yourself from the clutches of addiction. Once and for all. View our other classes here.