
Artist Log 3: Dragon Heart

Intention: Clarity of purpose & path

There is more than one path

And more than one purpose

“Go for it, be brave, dream big

There is nothing to fear

…except yourself….

A power that no one can change but you

You are responsible

You are powerful

We will help you, but you have always held the key”

Channeled message

Now is the time

There is no tomorrow

Wisdom through the veils; The many purposes, paths & adventures

Don’t know what happened but now a dragon is carrying something. What is the dragon holding?

Dragon looks back at the fate that it left carrying with it the key. Not only to his universe but to all dimensions and all time. He guards it until it will be held by those that can feel it’s freedom without a shred of evidence


What does a dragon carry? Treasure

What is the treasure? Love

Heart gem? Heart key?


Lightening bolts?

From guides to angels to dragons

From gear keys to heart organs

A dial, a battle between earth and sky

Where to go when the dragon holds the key

Somewhere where you have been a thousand times but can no longer remember

somewhere where life both begins and ends

a place where god grows his garden

and tends his roses

some with thorns and some that glow

each it’s own beautiful perspective

a way to understand all

the everything that can be fathomed

it’s what we are

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