
Why Art Is Still Relevant in the Age of AI: 5 Reasons

Image generated by AI

We are living in the age of artificial intelligence (AI), where machines can learn to think and feel, just like humans. But what about art? Is it a thing of the past or will it remain relevant in this digital age? Let’s take a look at why art is still relevant even with AI around. The word “artificial” means something that’s made by people as opposed to natural things like animals or plants. Artificial intelligence is software that mimics human thinking processes so precisely that we call it artificial. It isn’t natural—it’s man-made. In the same way, art is not natural; it is man-made.

AI will not replace art

Artificial intelligence expert and CEO of the neural network company Groq, Jeff Jonas, believes that AI will never replace art because it doesn’t have the creative spark needed to create art. Computers only do what we tell them to do, whereas humans have the ability to create things that have never been seen before.

The thing with art is that computers can’t “create” anything—they can only take existing information and rearrange it into something new. It’s not enough to make something completely original using only pre-existing information. If AI were to create works of art that could be mistaken for human-made, then maybe its creators could claim that AI had “replaced” art. But right now, we’re not even close to that.

Art is important for human wellbeing and mental health

Art is important in our lives as it provides us with an outlet to express ourselves. It allows us to let go of our inhibitions, to let go of our stress, and to let go of our worries. Check out our art classes here. It also allows us to explore different aspects of our personalities that might have been buried deep inside us.

Art is also good for our mental health because it has been found to be beneficial in the treatment of clinical depression. Art therapy is known to help people deal with trauma, anxiety, and stress. Art therapy is also known to be helpful for people dealing with eating disorders, addictions, and relationship issues. Being able to freely express ourselves through art allows us to get our emotions out, which can also help us to process emotions like sadness or anger.

Art reminds us of what it means to be human

Art has been with us for the longest time and it has evolved over the years, but one thing remains the same – it has always been a way for us to express our emotions. Art is a form of expression that is universal, and it has a way of connecting us to each other as humans. It allows us to understand one another, and it gives us a glimpse of what it means to be human. Art has also been a part of our history, telling us about our origins, and showing us how we have evolved as a species and as individuals. Art has been used to preserve the past and to help us understand the present. It has allowed us to touch and feel the experiences of people from long ago, which can help us better understand who we are as humans today.

While AI can create an (almost) original piece of art. The feeling, emotions and understanding is not there. It is basically a mod-podged image based on already existing pieces.

While this may be confusing for people viewing an artists work in the future, I would be willing to bet that the viewer will be able to feel the difference between an illustrated prompt and a piece created with energy, power and intention.

Art inspires technological innovation

Art enables us to explore different aspects of our personalities that might have been buried deep inside us. It allows us to let go of our inhibitions, to let go of our stress, and to let go of our worries. Art is also good for our mental health because it has been found to be beneficial in the treatment of clinical depression. It is therefore not surprising that it can inspire technological innovation.

Art can inspire technological innovation in two ways: by providing a creative environment and by encouraging risk-taking. Art can provide a creative environment that encourages explorations. It can be a place where people can experiment without fear of failure.

Art can also be inspirational. Some artists produce work that is ahead of its time, and is way ahead of what engineers can produce or imagine. Art can provide a vision of what we might be able to achieve with technology in the future, while ai can only rearrange existing ideas.

Art helps us understand who we are as a species

Art has been used to preserve the past and to help us understand the present. It has allowed us to touch and feel the experiences of people from long ago, which can help us better understand who we are as humans today. Art has been used to preserve the past by creating works of art such as sculptures, portraits, paintings, and drawings. These works have allowed us to understand our past, and they have helped us to learn more about the civilizations of old. Art has also been used to help us understand the present by exploring themes such as love, relationships, society, politics, and the environment. These explorations have helped us better understand what people are going through today, and have allowed us to see our lives from a different perspective.


Art has been with us for the longest time and it has evolved over the years, but one thing remains the same – it has always been a way for us to express our emotions. Art is a form of expression that is universal, and it has a way of connecting us to each other as humans.

It allows us to understand one another, and it gives us a glimpse of what it means to be human. Art has also been a part of our history, telling us about our origins, and showing us how we have evolved as a species and as individuals. Art has been used to preserve the past and to help us understand the present. It has allowed us to touch and feel the experiences of people from long ago, which can help us better understand who we are as humans today.

Be sure to check out how our classes can help get you in tune with your inner self.

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