How Your Creativity Can Help You Increase Your Vibration
Creativity is a funny thing. It’s not something you either have or don’t have. Creativity is a muscle, meaning it can be strengthened with practice. Think of your creative process like a hydra: You can have numerous heads, but only one body. Creative processes are different for everyone, but they all share the same purpose — to find ways to awaken your creative spirit and bring you into alignment with who you truly are. Creativity makes us feel things in new ways and forces us to respond differently than we normally would.
What is Vibration?

Vibration is the frequency at which energy is oscillating (or moving). It is not only sound, but also light and color. Everything that exists is vibrating — and thus, everything is connected. Your creative spirit is the part of you that is always seeking to create and communicate with others. Your creative spirit lives at a high vibration, and the more you can live at this frequency, the more you can offer the world. Your creative spirit is the part of you that is always seeking to create and communicate with others. Your creative spirit lives at a high vibration, and the more you can live at this frequency, the more you can offer the world.
Creative Practices That Will Help You Increase Your Vibration
Before you start your creative process, take a few deep breaths and allow yourself to be in the moment. Now, ask yourself what you want to create. What are you looking to explore? Spend some time journaling or reflecting on what you are looking to create. This will help you access your creativity and bring you into alignment with your highest self.
Clearing and Centering
Clearing your space and centering yourself are great ways to get in the right headspace to create. Typically, clearing space focuses on clearing the clutter and removing things that are no longer serving you. When you clear your space, you are also clearing your mind.
Why is creativity so important?
You might be wondering why this is all so important. The answer is simple: Your vibration dictates how much you are living your purpose and how much you are able to connect with others. When you are in a low vibration, it’s hard to be creative. You’re more likely to be fearful or doubtful, and you may feel like you have nothing important to say. When you’re in this place, you may have a hard time finding your voice or making decisions that are right for you. On the flip side, when you’re living in a high vibration, you’re much more likely to be creating the life you want to be living and feeling confident in your decisions. You’re also more likely to be able to connect with others and truly share your gifts with the world.
Artistic Confidence: How your art can help you find your voice.
Your art doesn’t just have the ability to help you get in touch with your creative spirit — it can also help you find your artistic confidence. Artistic confidence is about trusting your instincts and feeling confident that what you are creating is meaningful to you and others. When you are in a low vibration, it can sometimes be hard to trust that what you are creating is what you want to be creating. But when you are in a high vibration, you can have confidence in your creative process and be open to receiving insights and ideas. Artistic confidence also allows you to make mistakes without letting them stop you. Even the best artists fail sometimes. When you are in a place of artistic confidence, you know that failing isn’t the end of the world. You are able to keep going and keep creating.
The more you practice your creative process, the stronger your creative muscle becomes. The key to strengthening your creative muscle is to practice often. The more you practice, the more often your creative spirit is going to be able to come through and help you live your best life. Here are some classes you can enjoy to instantly increase your vibration!