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How to Prepare your Art Business for the Holidays: Tips and Tricks to Make It Through

The holidays are a special time of year, and artists often have a lot of pressure to make the season even more magical. From creating original gifts to putting the finishing touches on seasonal commissions, the pressure to make it all perfect is real. But don’t worry; with a few tips and tricks, you can make it through the holidays in style. Whether you’re an experienced artist preparing for the season or a newbie getting ready for your first round of holiday work, there’s something here for everyone. From setting realistic goals and getting organized early to staying on top of deadlines and taking time for yourself, you can make the most of the holiday season with a few simple steps. Read on to learn how artists can prepare for the holidays and make it through with grace and ease.

Image of handmade art ornament prepared in advance

Preparing your Art Business for the Holidays: Setting realistic goals

There’s no question that the holidays bring with them a lot of pressure. From buying gifts for loved ones to creating special pieces for your shop, there’s plenty of demand on artists during the season. But if you set yourself up for failure by setting unrealistic goals, you’ll only add to your stress and make things more difficult on yourself. There’s no one right way to tackle the holidays as an artist and setting realistic goals is an important part of the process. First, sit down and make a list of everything you want to accomplish during the season. From creating gifts to finishing seasonal commissions, there are certainly a lot of moving pieces during the holidays. After you’ve listed everything out, take a step back and look at your list as a whole. Are there any items on your list that you can cross off completely? If so, awesome! If not, ask yourself if any of your goals are unrealistic. If so, take a moment to re-evaluate and make any necessary adjustments. By setting realistic goals and crossing items off your list as you go, you can make the holidays less stressful on yourself.

Getting organized early

If there’s one thing artists should remember during the holidays, it’s that good organization is key. If you’re not already organized, now is the perfect time to get started. From scheduling your daily calendar to creating an artist bucket list, there are plenty of ways to get organized. First, set a calendar reminder for your seasonal deadlines. If you’re creating seasonal pieces for a shop or creating custom Christmas gifts, make sure you set a reminder for any deadlines you have. If you have any online orders, be sure to set a reminder for when to ship out your items. By setting reminders for your seasonal deadlines, you’ll be less likely to forget about them and miss a crucial date. Plus, having your seasonal deadlines in one place is helpful for artists who sell online. Next, create an artist bucket list. A bucket list is a great way to get creative and schedule in creative time during the holidays. Whether you want to plan out your shop’s holiday marketing or just want to get in the festive spirit, an artist bucket list is a great way to get organized. By getting organized early, you can lessen the stress of the holidays and make the season a little easier on yourself.

How Artists Can Prepare for the Holidays: Staying on top of deadlines

When it comes to seasonal deadlines, one of the most important things you can do is create a calendar reminder for major dates. If you’re creating Christmas gifts, be sure to set a reminder for when you need to be done creating. If you’re working on custom orders, set a reminder for when you need to be done shipping out your items. If you have any promotional content you need to create, set a reminder for when you need to be done. By setting calendar reminders for important dates, you’ll be less likely to forget about those dates and miss a critical item on your to-do list. If you sell online, you may be required to set shipping dates for your customers. If so, make sure you set calendar reminders for those dates so you don’t miss them. Shipping dates are particularly important during the holidays because customers want their items quickly so they can enjoy them during the season. By setting calendar reminders for important dates, you can stay on top of your to-do list and make the holidays easier on yourself.

Creating gifts

If you’re creating gifts for loved ones, be sure to get them done early. Don’t wait until the last minute to create gifts. There’s nothing more stressful than trying to rush through your work and risk missing a deadline or producing shoddy pieces. Instead, create your gifts early so you can take your time with them and make them as beautiful as possible. If you’re creating custom orders, try to get them finished even earlier so you have plenty of time to ship them out before the holidays. If you’re creating gifts for your shop, be sure to set a deadline for yourself. Create your gifts early so you have plenty of time to get them photographed and listed in your shop. If you’re selling any pre-made items, be sure to get them photographed and listed in your shop early as well. By getting your gifts and shop items done early, you can make the holidays less stressful on yourself and get the jump on your competition.

Finishing commissions

If you’re taking on custom commissions, be sure to set a deadline for yourself. Create a calendar reminder for when you need to be done with each piece so you don’t fall behind. By getting all of your commissions done early, you can ensure they meet your standards and make the holidays less stressful on yourself. If you’re booked out with custom commissions, set a reminder for when to turn them in so you don’t miss your deadline. Custom commissions are a great way to make money during the holidays and even earn a bit of extra cash. If you have time, be sure to offer a discounted price for customers who’d like their orders in time for the holidays. Offering a discounted price is a great way to attract customers and make extra money during the season. Even if you’re booked out, set a discounted price for customers who want their orders in time for the holidays. By getting all of your commissions done early and offering a discounted price, you can make the holidays less stressful on yourself.

Dealing with stress

Sometimes it’s not about how you get your work done but what happens along the way that adds stress to the season. If you notice there’s a lot of stress in your life unrelated to the season, there are a few things you can do to help relieve it. For starters, be sure to take time away from your work to relax. Taking breaks during the day can help you relax and reduce stress. If you notice there’s a lot of stress in your life outside of your art, consider seeing a therapist. They can help you understand what’s going on in your life and find ways to help deal with the stress. Getting help for your stress is an important part of being an artist and can make the holidays less stressful on you. Here are some more artist rituals to help you during the holidays.

Taking time for yourself

Not only is it important to take time away from your work to relax, but it’s important to take time away from your life as well. If you’re feeling stressed or overwhelmed, it’s important to take time away from everything to relax. During the holidays, it’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of the season. Taking time away from your daily life can help you relax, decompress, and get a little break from the hustle and bustle. If you have time, consider going on a trip. If you’re able to take a holiday trip, it can be an incredible way to relax and decompress. If you don’t have time for a trip, try to find ways to take a break from your daily life. Whether that means taking a walk outside or going for a drive, taking time for yourself can help you relax and make the holidays less stressful on you.

Artist Holiday Prep: Taking advantage of holiday promotions

Another way to make the holidays less stressful is to take advantage of holiday promotions. If you sell your art online, consider running a holiday promotion. Running a promotion can help you make more money during the season and make the holidays less stressful on you. If you run an online shop, try running a holiday promotion. Doing so can help you make more money during the season and make the holidays less stressful on you. If you sell art offline, try to plan and setup your promotions well in advance.

How Artists Can Prepare for the Holidays: Conclusion

The key to being successful as an artist during the holiday season is to plan far in advance and get everything taken care of early. There is nothing wrong with working on Christmas in July! This way, you can avoid the burn out and stress that frequently overwhelms even the most experienced of artists.

Be sure to check out some of my art classes if you would like to unwind and relax during this crazy season.

how to prepare your art business for the holidays Pinterest pin
how to prepare your art business for the holidays Pinterest pin

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