Emerald Waterlily Series
Acrylic on canvas. Waterlilies painted in emerald green and gold by artist Cassondra Eastham. Painted in 2021. DM for originals and prints.

Here are 10 tips for creating and maintaining a work- life- art balance for artists.
Finding your unique art style is one of the most daunting things an artist has to do. Here are some tips for finding your unique artist style.
Have you ever wanted to get started manifesting but are not sure where to start? Here is a new take using art to manifest your dream life.
Creating art can be an incredibly rewarding experience, but that doesn’t mean it’s always easy. It’s common to feel stuck, lack inspiration, and not know where to start. The key is to find creative ways to get your creative juices flowing and get back into the creative process. Whether you’re looking to paint, draw,…
Being artist is not always rainbows and unicorns. Here are some ways to stay inspired and creative as an artist.
As a creative person, I know first-hand how easily addiction can play out in a sensitive person’s life. Addiction is a problem which hurts many and hits very close to home. When it comes time for healing or climbing out of the addiction trap, Creativity has an important role in helping people find freedom. Here…