Exploring Alternative Income Streams for Artists: Making Money From Your Art
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Exploring Alternative Income Streams for Artists: Making Money From Your Art

The life of an artist can be difficult and unpredictable. Making money from your art is often seen as a difficult task that requires a lot of luck and hard work. However, with the right knowledge and resources, it is possible to explore alternative income streams and create a sustainable living for yourself as an…

How to Prepare your Art Business for the Holidays: Tips and Tricks to Make It Through
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How to Prepare your Art Business for the Holidays: Tips and Tricks to Make It Through

‍ The holidays are a special time of year, and artists often have a lot of pressure to make the season even more magical. From creating original gifts to putting the finishing touches on seasonal commissions, the pressure to make it all perfect is real. But don’t worry; with a few tips and tricks, you…

How to be Unique in the world of art and find your Artist Style
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How to be Unique in the world of art and find your Artist Style

‍ Creating your own style of art is not easy. The process of mastering a new style is always a struggle for artists. It takes creativity and motivation, but with practice and perseverance, almost anyone can develop their own personal style. With so many different types of art out there, it can be hard to…

The Best Halloween Painting Class You’ll Ever Take
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The Best Halloween Painting Class You’ll Ever Take

Did you know that painting on Halloween is a thing? Did you know that taking a class to learn how to do it is also a thing? Did you know that this class is probably the best thing you could do with your October, and from the comfort of your home? Take this opportunity to,…